IV. INTERNATIONAL CITY ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH CONGRESS ‘’Building Climate Change Resilient and Healthy Cities’’

  • Climate Change and Resilience
  • Healthy, Safe and Resilient Cities
  • Healthy, Safe and Resilient Neighborhoods
  • Sectors Related to City Building and Health
  • Urban Planning and Health
  • Architecture and Health
  • Construction and Health
  • Environmental Management in Construction
  • Innovation, R&D and Projects for the Cities of Tomorrow
  • Academy Working for Tomorrow’s Cities
  • Private Sector Working for Tomorrow’s Cities
  • Cross-cutting Issues in City, Environment and Health
  • Global Examples
  • Impact of New Living Spaces on Environment and Health
  • Environment and Energy
  • Environmental Impact Analysis
  • Environmental Management Systems, Applications and Tools
  • Measurement, Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation of Environmental Systems
  • Environmental Policy Management
  • Environmental Economics
  • Environmental Risk Identification and Assessment
  • Ecology and Ecosystems
  • Destruction of the Rural Area and Agriculture
  • Climate Change
  • Carbon Exchange and Carbon Footprint
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Planning EIA and Strategic EIA Applications
  • Climate Friendly Cities
  • Technology And Urbanization
  • Health of Facilities in the City
  • Renewable Energy and Urban Health
  • Urbanization and Energy
  • Historical Cities of the Future
  • Quality of Life in Cities
  • Environment and Health Management in Cities
  • Cooperation in City, Environment and Health
  • Vulnerable Groups in Cities of the Future
  • Migration and the City
  • City Security
  • Inner and Outer City Transportation
  • Habits That Improve Urban Health
  • Adopting the City
  • City Health
  • Healthy City Planning
  • City Health Profile
  • City Health Development Plan
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Measuring the Health of the City
  • Smart Cities
  • Environmental Health in the City
  • City’s Environmental Health Team
  • Pest Control Methods
  • Park and Garden Planning
  • Green Building Applications in the City
  • New Economic Dimensions of Urbanization
  • Urban Architecture
  • Horizontal Urbanization Economics
  • Zoning Legislation Problem in Turkey
  • The Future of Urban Planning
  • City Squares Awareness
  • City Councils
  • Cities and Old Age
  • Unemployment and Poverty
  • Urban Poverty
  • Disability and Urban Architecture
  • Physical Activity and Cities
  • Disaster Issues in Cities
  • Earthquakes and Protection
  • Example Cities for Earthquake Resistance
  • Floods and Raids
  • Infrastructure in Resilient Cities
  • Protecting Cities from Natural and Technological Disasters
  • Urban Health Conceptual Framework
  • City Health Organizations and Public Health Expert
  • Determinants of Health in Cities
  • New Approaches to Drinking Water Disinfection
  • Ozone Exposure in Cities
  • Waste Management in Cities
  • Electronic Waste
  • Waste Management in Island Cities
  • Sea-Land Relationship and Healthy Cities
  • Sea and Smart Cities
  • Strategic Planning Steps in Local Governments
  • Local Governments and Strategic Management
  • Sustainable Cities and Living Spaces
  • Sustainable Cities and Civil Organizations
  • Geothermal Tourism Economy
  • Environmental Policy Management
  • Environmental Economics
  • Environmental Risk Identification and Assessment
  • Water Cycle in the City
  • Treatment Facilities – Wastewater
  • Sewage Sludge Problem in the City
  • Urban Transformation and Local Governments
  • Urbanization That Supports Biodiversity
  • The Future of Local Water Management
  • Performance-Based Service Models
  • Health in Every Policy
  • One Health
  • Zero Waste
  • Waste Problem in Turkey
  • Incineration Plants in Turkey
  • Environmentally Friendly Waste Methods
  • Recycling Economy
  • Waste Problem of Organized Industrial Zones
  • Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
  • Water Cycle in the City
  • Treatment Facilities – Wastewater